MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 20 JULY 2024

MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 20 JULY 2024

Education, Entertainment, Information and the Great Outdoors.

The Mayor standing in front of a giant dinosaur skeleton, alongside someone wearing a carton dinosaur costume and one of the museum staff
The Mayor at the Dinosaurs on the Doorstep exhibition, with Magnus the dinosaur and museum assistant Angela Shouler

The first half of July has made me think about our first national radio, launched by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), over a century ago.  Its charter to educate, entertain and inform, is as relevant now as it was then.

Thinking about education, I visited two super schools, North Worcester Primary Academy (NWPA) and the Riversides School.

With Riversides putting on a walking carnival and NWPA a Summer fete, entertainment was also very much order of the day.  It was heartwarming to see the local community engage with the Riversides carnival and impressive to see the fast progress on an outdoor nature space at NWPA.

Thinking about information, I visited Heart of Worcestershire (HOW) College, networking with local business on how to reduce the carbon footprint, with statistics relevant to Worcester today provided. HOW is very much in the centre of our city and provides a wide array of education including vocational, technical and professional courses.

Going back much further in time, I visited the Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum, for the opening of the Dinosaurs on Display exhibition. It was a real treat, with information and a close-up view of a local dinosaur, found just one hour from Worcester in Gloucestershire. There was a live choir and some of the best dinosaur outfits I have seen in some time, proof of the enduring fascination of dinosaurs across all age groups.

Thinking about entertainment, I had the privilege and pleasure of opening the Worcester Carnival and the luxury of attending live outdoor theatre, with The Three Musketeers production in the garden of our historic Commandery.

A huge thank you to all who have made these events possible. Many volunteers operate across Worcester and have a significant, positive impact, on our city. Volunteers, thank you!

MAYOR’S WEEK: 7 – 13 JULY 2024

MAYOR’S WEEK: 7 – 13 JULY 2024

The Mayor of Worcester, Cllr Mel Allcott, wearing her ceremonial robes, standing in the Guildhall Parlour
The Mayor of Worcester, Cllr Mel Allcott, wearing her ceremonial robes, standing in the Guildhall Parlour

Looking back, my first week as Mayor, was incredible!

I joined in with Vyshyvanka Day (International Embroidery Day) at Cripplegate Park. The Ukranians wore beautiful embroidered clothes, a display of strong their culture and colours.

Headdresses created from locally sourced flowers were worn, a feast of traditional food enjoyed, with music and dancing enjoyed outdoors.  I love spending time with our city’s Ukranian community, their warmth shines through.

It was a joy to celebrate Worcester City Football Club’s incredible season! There was a question and answer session with the owner, Simon Lancaster, the coach Chris Cornes and the team captain Adam Mace. The team had been promoted into the next league and awards were presented. It was great to have the opportunity to present the Club Person of the Season award – congratulations to Kevin Preece!

I also spent time at the Maggs Day Centre, where the staff, trustees and volunteers were both trained and knowledgeable and it was a particularly informative event. The homeless are some of the most vulnerable in our society and there are many factors driving homelessness and the trajectory a homeless person may be able to take, including local health, public and community provision.

The Men United in Song concert at the Swan Theatre was an evening to remember. Worcester Male Voice Choir had advertised for men to come forward to sing as a choir and raise funds for prostate cancer and I had been able to support the adverts.

Over £25,000 had been raised before the concert and with less than 10 weeks rehearsal, Men United in Song had a terrific sound! The event encouraged men to talk and act upon health concerns and I am sure will save many lives.

The General Election meant that all mayoral events suspended, but I am fully back to all my mayoral duties. Worcester, let’s have a brilliant year!



All duties of the Worcester Mayor have been suspended until after the General Election, in accordance with the Royal Household protocol.

From Saturday 25 May we are formally in the Pre-election Period (previously known as “purdah”), and the Council and all its partners will not be carrying out any publicity activity which involves elected members until the election is concluded. This is so that we can ensure we comply with the requirements of the national Publicity Code for local authorities.

This includes the weekly Mayoral Blog.

More information is available at

We look forward to continuing the Mayoral Blog following the General Election on 4 July.

MAYOR’S WEEK: 11 – 18 May 2024

MAYOR’S WEEK: 11 – 18 May 2024

Thank you and goodbye.

Sadly, my time as Mayor has now come to an end. The chain of office has been handed over, a thank you and goodbye speech made at the Guildhall.

As they say, all good things come to an end. Katey and I have enjoyed the experience. It has been a real honour and a privilege, something that I’ll treasure forever. Thank you.

Last year I attended hundreds of events and helped to raise over £7,000 for Age UK. Last May I supported Worcester Community Trust to put on a Christmas meal at the Guildhall.

I’ve conducted scores of Mayor’s tours of the Guildhall to all manner of charities, schools and foreign visitors – sometimes several in one week. Each tour being perfected and honed, hopefully getting a little better as I gained experience.

At the beginning of the year, I made a pledge to attend every Mayoral event on my bike. I’ve always believed that leaders should lead.

Unfortunately, perhaps I should have consulted Katey before making that pledge.

There were a few ‘words said’ when, on more than one occasion, I insisted on us arriving at a posh charity event in evening dress and dinner jacket on our bikes.

One of the things that I’m most proud of was the Mayor’s Charity Fashion Show. When I say proud it’s actually more accurate to say proud of the team that made it happen and by that, I mean key Guildhall staff like Gill Preece but also Karel Bretveld from Age UK.

The team raised thousands of pounds and gave dozens of Worcester’s young people an amazing opportunity to show off their creative skills. And it was also a lot of fun.

Finally, I wish Mel Allcott all the best for her time as the city’s new Mayor. I hope she enjoys the experience as much as I did.