Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 October 2017

Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 October 2017

Last Saturday saw the High Street packed with people waiting to see the Mercian Regiment march from the Cathedral through the city streets. The applause they gave to the soldiers, whose turnout was exemplary, is testament to the high regard in which the regiment is held in Worcestershire.

The Mercian Regiment march through Worcester to mark their 10th anniversary
The Mercian Regiment march through Worcester to mark their 10th anniversary

The march was followed by a ceremony held at Dancox House, where a stone plaque was unveiled to commemorate the actions of Private Fred Dancox VC during the First World War. Pte Dancox was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving his colleagues by capturing a number of German soldiers who were firing on them. Sadly he was later he later died in combat, before receiving his medal.

The Mayor at the parade with the Lord Lt of Worcestershire, Lt Col Patrick Holcroft, and Lt Col Paddy Ginn, Commanding Officer of 1 Mercian
The Mayor at the parade with the Lord Lt of Worcestershire, Lt Col Patrick Holcroft, and Lt Col Paddy Ginn, Commanding Officer of 1 Mercian

On Sunday I attended the Royal Grammar School sports arena to hand out awards to those who had competed in the Droitwich Open Archery Tournament. There were some outstanding archers there, with one talented youngster breaking national records.

The following day I went to the studios of YouthComm’s music radio station where Mr Muff Murfin had invited me to promote the Mayor’s Family Fun Day. I took the opportunity of plugging the tandem skydive that I will be doing on March 7 next year. The Virgin Money Giving Page will be up and running shortly so I hope I do get a few sponsors for my charities!

On Wednesday, as well as entertaining Mr Reg Perkins and his family in the Guildhall for his community volunteering, the Mayoress and I went to Sixways in the evening, for the Worcestershire Group Training Annual Apprenticeship Awards. It proved to be a really successful evening, and it was inspiring to hear how apprentices had made the absolute most of the scheme run by the group and were settling into employment. Additionally, it could be seen how the companies themselves were being very supportive to the apprentices. The awards they picked up showed how all were really committed to the scheme.

Enjoying the family fun day at the Guildhall
Enjoying the family fun day at the Guildhall

We spent all of Thursday day in the Guildhall with children and their parents enjoying the Family Fun Day. A bouncy castle, face-painting, glitter-tattooing and cake decorating all played their part in making this a great day for youngsters. Add to that the tours of the Guildhall, kindly given by Councillors Andy Roberts and Pat Agar, gave everyone a chance to see what this fantastic building has to offer. A very enjoyable day.

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 20 October 2017

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 20 October 2017

We had an absolutely lovely start to our week with a visit to Cherry Orchard School, having been invited to their Harvest Celebration.  The pupils from each school year gave performances of singing and dancing and as this included a ‘Samba,’ there were comments from staff about the possibility of some being future ‘Strictly’ contestants!  There was obviously a great deal of time and commitment put in by teachers and assistants to get them to the standards they achieved.

That same day Alison and I entertained volunteers from the Tudor House Museum in Worcester to congratulate them on receiving their recent award.  Having been first nominated and then shortlisted as a Family Friendly Museum, they won an Achieving Excellence award.  Obviously proud of their accomplishments, their work goes a long way to promoting Worcester as a tourism ‘hotspot’ – long may it last.

On Saturday evening we were at the Guildhall hosting the first of the Mayor’s charity events.  The exceptional Worcester Male Voice Choir performed a number of pieces for our audience, with ticket sales benefitting the Headway, Victim Support and Onside Advocacy Charities.  In addition to the choir we heard four young soloists who were also able to display their considerable musical talents. All in all, a very successful and enjoyable evening.

The following afternoon at the Cathedral we were invited to a Civic Service on behalf of the High Sheriff of Worcestershire, Mr Stephen Betts.  The origins of the Office date back to Saxon times, when the ‘Shire Reeve’ was responsible to the king for the maintenance of law and order within the shire.  The office is still in existence to support both the Crown and the Judiciary.  Interestingly the Dean, the Rev. Peter Atkinson, managed to deliver a sermon with lots of references to Shakespeare’s ‘Othello,’ which just happened to be performed in the Cathedral that week!

On Tuesday we visited New College Worcester to be involved in the opening of their new multi-gym which will benefit the resident visually impaired students.  This is a great new building which will make a far safer environment for those who will use it to keep fit.

Finally on Wednesday we managed to see the aforementioned ‘Othello’ – another excellent production by Ben Humphries, with brilliant acting from all involved.









Mayor’s Week: 7 – 13 October 2017

Mayor’s Week: 7 – 13 October 2017

Yet another diverse week, giving me the opportunity of meeting individuals and groups from both locally and afar.

While one evening saw me entertaining a group of ‘Rainbows’ (young Brownies) at the Parlour and giving them some of the more entertaining history of Worcester (complete with a trip to the cells), another afternoon was spent with visitors from Halmstad University, Sweden.  The Vice Chancellor there, Stephen Hwang, was visiting Worcester University with a group of colleagues on a fact finding trip.  They took time to visit the Guildhall to discover a little more about Worcester, and commented that it was not dissimilar to their own city.

And that was not the only group of visitors from abroad this week.  I was able to welcome members of a friendship and business delegation from Hezhou, in the Guangxi Zhuang region of China.  This is not the first time their city representatives have visited Worcester in a bid to both preserve and foster cultural and economic relationships.

On Saturday Alison and I were at the Perdiswell Swimming Pool where the first Open meeting, since the pool became operational, took place.  There were some very exciting events from swimmers across the country with a ‘Skin’s’ Competition, which basically means some very fast swimming by male and female contestants.

In contrast we visited Claines Church at the weekend to hear a number of pieces of Chamber music performed by Astaria.  This quartet is very supportive of young people throughout the county becoming more involved with music and actually taking up instruments.  I hope their Festival weekend was a success.

This week we were also at the Hive Library which had been selected to host the School Librarian of the year award.  This attracted visitors from London, Scotland and Dublin.  All those who I spoke to were very impressed with this facility marvelling at the space available, the assistance provided and selection of books available.

And finally we visited the premises of Worcestershire Parents and Carers Community in Worcester.  While having three part time paid staff the centre which provides support and respite assistance to parents is effectively run by a group of volunteers, all dedicated to providing the best possible service.



Mayor’s Week: 30 September – 6 October 2017

Mayor’s Week: 30 September – 6 October 2017

Last Friday coffee mornings were held across the land, with proceeds going to Macmillan’s Cancer Support charity.  I indulged myself at Anja Potze’s shop in Friar Street and at a second event arranged by Rotary Club at the Guildhall.  Too much cake, but all in a good cause!

Then at lunchtime Alison and I headed to Fort Royal Community Primary School, which was celebrating its tenth Birthday.   This is a fantastic school catering for children with special needs.  Teachers, volunteers and support from Tesco’s (as well as many other groups) made this a great day, with numerous stalls providing entertainment for the children.

That afternoon I opened the new premises of Worcester Wheels, which does so much to combat loneliness among those less able to get around via ordinary transport.  Again, it is volunteers who provide this great service, which enables people to get out of their homes.

That evening we were at the University supporting the Worcester Wolves Basketball team in their first game of the season.  Sadly the London Lions proved the better team on the night, despite the Wolves putting up a very spirited challenge.

On Saturday night we visited the Cathedral to watch a performance of Elgar’s Cello Concerto followed by the Armed Man, composed by Karl Jenkins.  This was a magnificent performance by the excellent local Orchestra of the Swan. This music – a Mass for Peace – was very moving and was made even more effective by the singing of a choir comprised of Worcestershire children.

The following day was spent in various religious settings.  At midday I attended the opening of the Al-Madina Jami Masjid Muslim centre, with other councillors and community leaders.  The community there have waited many years for the completion of their own centre and are very pleased with the new building.

I then went to the Sansome Road Baptist Church where the Worcestershire Boys Brigade was celebrating 100 years since the formation of their unit.  Their salute and march past was received by Mr Andrew Grant, a Deputy Lord Lieutenant.

That evening saw us again at the Cathedral, on this occasion celebrating the County’s Harvest Festival.  Once again, a really nice service with a sermon reflecting on times past – and those still to come.