It proved to be jingle all the way when I was joined by the mayors and civic heads of the surrounding districts – collectively, nicknamed ‘the chain gang’ – for the opening of the 27th Victorian Fayre. Sadly, my power over those that control the weather is direly limited. But despite the really dreadful conditions my heart was warmed more than I can say by the amount of Worcester souls who still braved the elements and turned out for what’s never less than the most shining highlight in the city’s winter calendar and the official signal that Christmas has begun. So long as Worcester folk continue to show such spirit and support, the Faithful City will never have cause for concern, so my thanks to all.

The Mayor presents the awards at the Victorian Christmas Fayre

A further gladdening prospect was the number of traders who continue to set-up their stalls here year after year. I even had the opportunity to chat to one who was at the first Fayre and has not missed one since. That came as I had the pleasure and delight of judging the Best Victorian Dress and Best Stall competition. Judging is based on the combination of Christmas spirit and Victorian dress and while every stall offered plenty of one or the other, the winners were those who fully entered into the spirit of things by demonstrating both. My congratulations to them.

Entering no less into the Christmas spirit, the Victorian Fayre Fringe that I attended in the Hopmarket continues to grow at a rate of knots – and long may that pleasing trend continue, too.

Another feature that makes the Victorian Fayre so super-special is the welcome presence of the official representatives of our twin towns, Le Vésinet, Ukmerge and Kleve – all of whom remained here to attend the Twinning Association Christmas dinner. I so hope that Brexit won’t detract from the enduring friendship we enjoy with our very special European ‘twins’ and that the pairing notion will continue to flourish.

All in all, an enchanting week, commendably – and most impressively – topped by the RGS Year 1 and 2 Christmas performance. Wonderful.

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 21 November 2019

Mayor’s Week: 14 – 21 November 2019

Well… a week that began well, ended well and had lots of good news in between!

The Best of Worcester Awards showcase the awesome talent of our schoolchildren – it’s a terrific event for the city and a start on the mountainous task of deciding who, among the thousands eminently eligible, is to be included in the running for the winners’ prizes next April. It was a privilege to be a part.

It’s a rare event that gets me toe-tappin’ and hands clappin’ but my, what a brilliant performance the Worcester Musical Theatre Company put on at The Swan Theatre on Friday. ‘Celebrate the Season’ sensationally recaptured my 50s, 60s and 70s youth.  Own-up time: I was left buzzing for hours and hours, long after it had finished!

Another day, another delightful dose of music.  Worcester Festival Choral Society’s Mozart’s Requiem in the Cathedral on Saturday was so poignant and moving that I, the Bishop and the Dean all broke with tradition by standing up and applauding, the entire audience following suit.

The RBS wreath-laying memorial service at Astwood marking the debt we owe to Commonwealth servicemen proved as moving as ever on Sunday.  Later on the same day it was my pleasure to journey to Birmingham for an update with the owners of TV stations serving 168 Asian countries, which are airing Worcester’s pioneering moves to provide for needy children.

The scourge of seagulls besieging Worcester has been a controversial issue for as long as I can remember and, like it or not, action of some kind really needs to be taken.  A fruitful meeting to finalise exactly what we could do accounted for much of Wednesday afternoon.  I was happy to leave my consort, my daughter Parveen, to discuss Britannia Square Residents’ Association’s particular concerns about gulls in the city – of which, more on both in due course. The inaugural lecture by UoW Professor Tracey Williamson on the impact of dementia on carers, and an illuminating briefing into the work of the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association at Dancox House, completed a week of action.

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 8 November 2019

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 8 November 2019

Well, with Bonfire Night over and done with, it looks like we’re on the steady rundown to Christmas – and already plans are having to be hastily re-jigged.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, on Friday the Elgar Chorale was obliged to put back its annual Christmas Charity Concert to December 18.  A minor setback but even so, a spectacular evening remains in store, as ever.

If there’s one task I particularly welcome, it’s the opening of new ventures in Worcester, and Saturday saw just that – hairdressers The House of Glew in the Trinity: no ribbons to be cut, but my hair was.  And a very neat trim it was too!

Watching fashion models parading on the catwalk may not be everyone’s idea of a fun-day Sunday, but when it’s for charity – as was Bromsgrove mayor Cllr Rod Laight’s marathon event, the sum-total raised for Primrose Hospice nudging £6,000 – I consider the time exceptionally well-spent.

It was a case of best behaviour in the company of heavy-duty VIPS for the rest of the week: Monday, alongside the Bishop, Dr. John Inge at the Palace to welcome Martin Gorick, the new Bishop of Dudley, and later that evening with the University’s highest execs, heads of academic schools and new graduates for the Graduation Dinner at the Arena.  If anyone knows how to put on a grand show, it’s the University of Worcester.  I was most impressed.

And so, to a memorable end to a memorable week. In town for the university’s glittering Graduation week, the establishment’s founding Chancellor and Queen’s cousin HRH Duke of Gloucester is always a welcome visitor and this week proved no exception.  We met during my first mayoral term in 2004 when his genuine interest in all the university’s activities and achievements was already clear to see and all these years on, he remains as committed as ever.  The same can also be said of his wife Birgitte, HRH the Duchess of Gloucester, in the city to mark Leukaemia Care’s 50th year of working with the blood cancer community, meeting beneficiaries and fund-raisers. Deeply honoured.






Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 October 2019

Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 October 2019

We hear ‘disaster appeal’ or ‘earthquake appeal’ near daily, but nothing can convey their true horrors until they affect your own: the recent Kashmir earthquake was centred on my wife’s village Sahang in Kikree, the after-shocks still taking lives and destroying property.  Many, ­not least Altaf’s Balti in Worcester, are contributing towards my Earthquake Appeal and heartfelt thanks to all.

Talking of which, guess who learned new life-saving skills on Wednesday – and won a certificate for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (that I can perform, but struggle to spell)?  Right! Me!  The event was World Restart-a-Heart Day at the Guildhall where later that day was I not delighted to show off the glories of my daytime workplace to a group of Taiwanese students.  Attending the first of a series of charity nights at Manor Farm completed a dizzy whirl of a day.

Now here’s an amazing Worcester success story – the resurrection of Arrow XL’s distribution centre at Blackpole, destroyed by fire two years ago but re-emerging bigger and even better equipped than before.  I was delighted to do the re-opening honours on Thursday, returning just in time to welcome a group of thirty chirpy Worcester Brownies to the Parlour – another joy, as was the Mayor of Kidderminster’s Charity Chinese buffet meal and quiz night.

‘Have chain, will travel’ proved the case this week, on Friday in Hereford for Mayor Kath Hey’s Chain Gang Afternoon Tea in the Town Hall!

And here’s another feather in Worcester’s cap that seems to have slipped under the radar…. for the past three years, the Royal Life Saving Society UK chose Worcester for its Presentation of National Honours.  It is such an honour to be associated with so worthy an organisation.

Later that day, some fun: the Mayor of Pershore’s Charity Ferret Racing Night at which I won… precisely nothing!

Sunday saw me on very best behaviour for Malvern Hills DC Chairman Dean Clarke’s Civic Service at Hallow, followed by Evensong at the Cathedral in procession with the High Sheriff and six of Her Majesty’s judges, all in full court dress.  Impressed, or what?