Mayor’s Week: 13 – 20 June 2020

Mayor’s Week: 13 – 20 June 2020

I think we can all agree that the recent stage of shop opening which happened on Monday for many shops in the city was well and truly enjoyed and appreciated by everyone.  Judging by the queues which were shown in the Worcester News people were very happy at this point to return towards a more normal way of life.  Even though at the moment we have to observe two metre social distancing, it is lovely to be able to actually see what we are buying up close.

Talking of football, which we weren’t, another very welcome development this week has been the success of the campaign by Marcus Rashford, the 22-year-old Manchester United and England footballer.  Marcus wrote an open letter to MPs describing his own childhood and asking them to extend the free school meal vouchers to continue throughout the summer holidays.  This means that those 1.3 million children who are eligible should now not go hungry during the holidays.  A great achievement for such a young player to influence a government decision – it shows that the popularity of football has an amazing ability to instigate change.

It is disappointing that the annual Worcester City Run will not take place this September because of the current situation.  I was looking forward to officially starting the Run – but it’s even more of a real shame for all the citizens who look forward to this annual challenge. It is wonderful news that the virtual runs will take place to raise money for the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust – so good luck to all you virtual runners!

Monday is Armed Forces Day and a flag will be raised on the roof of the Guildhall to remember all those brave men and women who put themselves on the frontline to protect us, our freedoms and our way of life.  We remember them and their families especially on this day.  It was very sad to hear the news on Thursday of the death of Dame Vera Lynn.  She was an inspiration and a source of hope during the dark days of WW2 and she was loved by everyone.



Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 June 2020

Mayor’s Week: 6 – 12 June 2020

It is so nice to have the opportunity to write to everyone at this time when it is impossible to come out and meet people face to face.  Through this column I can wish for your continued health and well being, and keep in touch.

Monday will be a big day for Worcester businesses when the majority of our shops open to the public.  Many of you will be looking forward to this as much as I am!  While we will all feel a sense of relief towards a return to a normal way of life, I would urge you all to take the greatest of care when going out and remember to maintain social distancing to protect yourselves and other shoppers and shop staff.

The re-opening of shops is the next step to get back to our old way of life, but the coronavirus is still out there and dangerous to us all, so we must not forget the basic rules to keep us safe.  Signs will be out in the city centre reminding us and offering advice.   Perhaps have your first trip out later in the week, rather than on the first day of opening.

On Saturday a Black Lives Matter rally will be held in Worcester. I wholeheartedly support the message being given by this rally and hope that the day will pass safely and peacefully for all demonstrators and police – with social distancing being observed, so that the very important message being made is not overshadowed.

We have seen in other rallies around the country that protestors can demonstrate without any uncivil behaviour and without endangering each other’s health by breaking coronavirus safety advice, and I am sure that Worcester demonstrators can do the same.

As the easing of lockdown moves on a step further with the joyful news that people in single households can now join a family ‘bubble’ with another household indoors, I am reminded how these little things, that we used to take for granted, mean so much to us.  It encourages us to consider what is really important in our lives, and to treasure friends and family.



Mayor’s Week: 30 May – 5 June 2020

Mayor’s Week: 30 May – 5 June 2020

It is just over two weeks since I became the 399th Mayor of Worcester – and I would like to say thank you to all the people who have contacted me to offer their congratulations and good luck messages.

It is a strange time to be taking on a role which is essentially about being out and about with Worcester people, supporting and encouraging them.  Because of coronavirus restrictions I have been out very little, and I’ve had to show my support by writing messages of encouragement rather than attending events.  Unfortunately the launch of the Elgar Festival and Elgar concerts have been cancelled;  it is so sad to miss the opportunity to celebrate the music of one of the greatest composers of our time, who was born at Broadheath here in Worcestershire.

This week has been National Volunteers’ Week and whilst we were not able to celebrate the event with the usual Volunteer Exhibition, I have praised and thanked Worcester volunteers for being the heroes that they are through social and local media.  The present restrictions on our lives have meant that we have relied on our wonderful volunteers more than ever.  Thank you for everything that you have done during this difficult time.

Next week is National Carers’ Week – an opportunity to acknowledge the huge contribution all our carers make to society.  I was pleased to be able to send a message to our young carers who, at a very young age, selflessly give their time and energy to look after friends and family.  They are an example to us all.

Stuart Inglis, Principal of All Sorts Performing Arts, contacted me to say how hard he and the other teachers and volunteers at the Academy are working to ensure that the young dancers and performers there are able to gain their certificates.  Well done to all you performers.  I was also pleased to be able to send a message to the Wildgoose weekly newsletter “Gander at the Goose,” which is supporting students who would normally attend in person at the Wildgoose Rural Training and Nature Reserve in Hallow.

I am looking forward to a gradual return to a more normal life – and the chance to come and meet more of you as my mayoral year continues.

Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 3 April 2020

Mayor’s Week: 27 March – 3 April 2020

The majority of us are approaching the end of a second week of staying at home.  We are gradually developing new routines and different ways of keeping in touch with one another, where face to face conversation isn’t an option.

As by nature we humans are a fairly social species, staying at home can be really challenging.  It may sometimes also feel that being at home = doing nothing constructive.  But I do want to urge you all to stay with it – because for every day that you follow the guidance and socially distance yourselves from others, you are indirectly helping to save at least one person’s life.

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one during this crisis.  This virus will only continue spreading from person to person if we let it – we are all in the front line fighting this same battle.

Of course, many people who are running essential services to keep Worcester functioning do not have the option to stay at home.  In addition to all the amazing staff at the NHS, I’d like to thank all City Council staff who are working hard to collect our bins, keep areas clean, make sure homeless people have a roof over their head and make sure our hard-hit businesses get the support they need.  Their roles may not be as visible as those in our hospitals, but their work is nevertheless vital.

In times of crisis, our city has and I believe always will come together.  The last few weeks have seen thousands of individual acts of kindness take place in Worcester.  Whether you’ve been able to buy a loaf of bread for a neighbour, chatted to someone in isolation or waited patiently in a queue to pick up someone’s medication, you have played a part in this city’s recovery.  We can and will get through this – and when we do, our communities will be even stronger as a result.  Keep it up, citizens of Worcester!  And for now, Stay at Home – and Stay Safe.