Mayor’s diary: April 9 -April 16

Mayor’s diary: April 9 -April 16

The civic service at The Church of St Matthias in Malvern LinkLast Saturday the Mayoress and I were in Malvern to join in the Civic Service in a celebration of friendship. This was a joint event for Cllr Nick Houghton, the Mayor of Malvern, and Cllr Cynthia Palmer, the Chairman of Malvern Hills District Council. The service, which included a mixture of hymns, popular songs and entertainment, was held at The Church of St Matthias in Malvern Link. The music was provided by Malvern Hills Brass Band with a performance from SassCappella, a three-piece A’ Cappella group from Malvern.

There were several mayors and civic chairs from across the county, and we have all been to various events over the past year. As our year in office is coming to a close, a group photograph was taken of us with our mayors and consorts.

On Wednesday evening, the mayoress and I were at the Shirehall to attend the Declaration of Office for the next High Sheriff of Worcestershire. The significant events in our civic calendar are usually attended by office bearers from the Worcestershire Lieutenancy (The Lord-Lieutenant of Worcestershire, and his Vice Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants) and the High Sherriff. The latter position, like most mayors, is appointed annually.

Richard Amphett has accompanied me at several events over the past year, and he has handed over the Office as High Sheriff of Worcestershire to his successor Andrew Richard Manning-Cox. The ceremony was held in the number one courtroom and included trumpet fanfare at the beginning and end of the formal ceremony performed by a police officer from the West Mercia Constabulary. The Right Honourable Sir Andrew McFarlane, a senior judge, was present acting as the witness on behalf of her Majesty the Queen.


Mayor’s Week – 2 April – 9 April, 2022

Mayor’s Week – 2 April – 9 April, 2022

Last Sunday the mayoress and I attended the Worcester Competitive Arts Festival Concert in the impressive Perrins Hall at the Royal Grammar School. This was an opportunity to see the winners from the competitions that were held over two weekends in March. The mayoress and I witnessed some of the competitions on 12th March and handed out trophies to the winners then.

At the Festival Concert we saw winners from twenty-three different categories from talented young people which included playing musical instruments, singing, and speech and drama. Three pianists performed; Michelle Ziqi Zhu, Etan Cai and Jasmine Went. I presented Michelle with the Vale Piano Trophy and Jasmine with the Marian Baker Memorial Cup, which must be one of the heaviest trophies I have had to hand over. I presented a silver salver to Georgina Hamilton for her recorder recital, having also handed her a trophy on my previous visit to the festival.

Space doesn’t allow me to mention all the performers, but we saw Elizabeth and Evelia Ray at both their competition and at the Festival Concert. The sisters performed “Anything You can Do” to the appreciative audience.

My other mayoral engagement this week was to attend the planting of a cherry tree outside the Waitrose supermarket on London Road. As Worcester is one of the select few Queens Green Canopy cities, this was highly appropriate. Helping me plant the tree were three pupils from nearby Nunnery Wood High School’s Eco Club, and we were joined by store manager Scott Whittaker and other Waitrose partners. The tree will have a special QGC commemorative plaque.



On Monday I went to the Christopher Whitehead Language College to their Creative Arts Event which was a showcase of their students’ work. The school hall was packed with parents and siblings who enjoyed an evening featuring performances and work by Hair and Beauty, Music, Drama, Dance, Textiles, Art and Photography and Food Technology Students. Thank you to Debbie Plaslaitt and her colleagues and students for putting on this event. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, it has been a long time since such events were possible.

The following night I chaired my final full council meeting before I hand the chain over at the Annual Council in May. We said farewell to the retiring councillors who aren’t seeking re-election in May: Bill Amos, Tom Collins, Louise Griffiths, Jo Hodges, and Mike Johnson. After the meeting I hosted refreshments in the lower hall that included a cake baked by the mayoress and cheese made by me.

Last night the mayoress and I attended the Mayor of Stourport’s Charity Ball at the Stourport Manor Hotel. I have met the Mayor Danny Russell and Mayoress Mary Russell several times during my mayoral year, where all the county mayors and chairs are collectively known as “the chain gang.”

This morning the mayoress and I will be having breakfast at The Postal Order at the Worcester Veterans Breakfast Club.

MAYOR’S WEEK: 20 – 26 MARCH 2022

MAYOR’S WEEK: 20 – 26 MARCH 2022

On Sunday the mayoress and I attended the Wychavon Civic Service which was held at the parish church of All Saints in Evesham.  The chairman of the council, Cllr Robert Raphael, chose the theme of the service as a thanksgiving for Covid-19 heroes, and we heard a series of testimonials from leaders of the local voluntary sector about the fantastic work that was done during the pandemic to help those in need.

Wednesday was the National Day of Reflection, marking the anniversary of the first Covid-19 lockdown. Staff and councillors from the city council were joined by county council chairman Steve Mackay and firefighters, gathering at the Guildhall entrance at noon. Following the minute’s silence, I read out a short address.

On Friday morning I attended the Cube International Showcase & Open Day, which was held at their new premises at Broomhall. I met Cube International’s CEO, Ed Boardman, Perry the Bull (the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games mascot) and some international sports personalities. As a sports fan myself who has bought tickets for the Birmingham Games it was a fantastic engagement.

In the evening I had my charity concert by Worcester Concert Brass. The event was called In Celebration, recognising both the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the band’s 40th anniversary. The musical director Chris Licence, who also performed, is a former Worcester city councillor, and like me, a past mayor’s consort. They performed a selection of favourites including theme tunes from film and television and other popular pieces.

Today I have a full diary including the opening of new art gallery in Crowngate, the High Sheriff of Worcestershire Award presentation and the Knife Angel memorial service in the Cathedral. I’ll also be at the volunteer awards presentation in the Commandery before attending the grand opening of the Belmont Care Home.