MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 17 MAY 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 14 – 17 MAY 2023

This final week has brought together many of my year’s themes of enjoying art, culture and our heritage to improve our mental and physical well-being.

I did a Question and Answer session with pupils on a work experience session from Christopher Whitehead’s. In some ways I learned more about my year that morning than I had thought about previously!

We opened up the Wild Worcestershire Way, a series of interlinking footways around the city to showcase our natural environment. And we learned a new song, which possibly Steve is still singing now! I was sorry the Balloons were cancelled as I had some reference to politicians and hot air but they were a bit obvious.

I was worked hard on Tuesday, my last day, opening a Dementia Fair in the Guildhall. This is an issue we have experienced in our family so, as with OnSide, I was pleased to be associated with it.

I went to meet the relatives of a man killed in the First World War and only recently identified and re-buried as William Cubberley in March, while we had been in Belgium. That was a moving and fascinating story involving DNA tracing. And then we finished off with the Rainbows, youngest of the Guide movement, enjoying a trip round the Guildhall, visiting the cells, and taking seven of them to hold the Sword of State.

The same Sword was carried in before me for the last time at Annual Council. An emotional and moving experience soon washed away by the politics of the meeting!

Like my 10k Run, and the Ale Trail, I have completed the Mayoral Year at a steady pace, with the odd burst of speed, but with a real opportunity to linger and enjoy the experience when possible. I have. I hope Louis does too. GSTQ!



MAYOR’S WEEK: 7 – 13 MAY 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 7 – 13 MAY 2023

A busy and emotional week. The Lord-Lieutenant and I hosted a Coronation Big Lunch in the Guildhall for a range of people nominated by their charities. It was a really good cross-section and everyone enjoyed it. Throughout my year I have been amazed by the dedication and commitment of people working in the voluntary sector for the city. And there was quiche.

The Cathedral Service was a rousing Evensong with great music and a first-hand report from Westminster Abbey by Bishop John. I am sure you spotted him in the front row.

At the Palace Garden Party on Tuesday it was a bit like, did I see them on telly on Saturday? And in all the crowds, bumping into several people from Worcestershire including my Mayor’s Officer Rob on a well-deserved invitation. Shame the King was resting that day.

I opened another art exhibition in The Arches for Catt Standen who amongst other great things has been busy painting our signposts across the city and also slightly amended the official Coronation logo to stick in some black pears. Look carefully next time you see one in a shop window!

Finally on the theme we had lunch with Municipal Charity and residents of Berkeley’s. Wyatts and Nash’s almshouses. A lovely occasion doubling up with Paul’s 80th. And even this far in I managed to get the Loyal Toast wrong again.

My thanks go to Worcester Wanderers (again) for digging deep at the Club Dinner, in an auction for signed Warriors shirts (historic items now!) in aid of my charities OnSide and Severn Arts.

A very sad week too as we lost Simon Cronin, a man I had known for years, well before he joined the Council. RIP.

Finally, a word to those RGS boys and girls: Down in One!




A shout out to all those anonymous page-turners, like you Sir at the Brahms concert – well done. A vital but unsung role that if it went wrong, would have ruined the beautiful repertoire we experienced at the Covid Remembrance Concert. We all contribute something no matter how unrecognised, which is why I said hello at the International Workers’ Day event. As one of those workers myself, I took May Day off.

I was guest at the Severn Arts Worcestershire Festival of Music with 200 musicians ranging from seven to 23 performing a wide variety of pieces: Vaughan Williams, plastic shark, Deep Purple, Bizet, an interesting rendition of Santana’s ‘Oye Como Va’, and a rousing ‘Finlandia’ a piece written in opposition to Russian oppression in 1900. I was sorry to miss the second half.

I was pleased to open another temporary art exhibition in The Arches including work from a man I met on one of my pub visits!  I presented Marcus Sparrow of Worcester City FC with a special trophy as he had missed me at the last match, and midweek cut the ribbon, officially opening the infrastructure at the back of the University Arena linking Hylton Road with Henwick, just by the old Halt. A cycle path and footpath and additionally several electric car chargers and another example of the University’s community responsibility.

Finally, we popped into All Saints’ Church to show how the 18th century sword rest on the pillar was placed there for the Mayor’s Sword. Thanks to the parish for allowing me to reunite them.

You know the end is nigh as Mayor at 3.30am on Election Night with all the results in and all that is left is to open the new Council meeting. After a few more appointments in the intervening fortnight of course.



MAYOR’S DIARY: 23 – 29 APRIL 2023

MAYOR’S DIARY: 23 – 29 APRIL 2023

There’s a sense in the air we can all feel this close to the end of the Season. It was certainly on display at Claines Lane last week for City’s last men’s game, with awards to the stand out player of the year, and supporters. We were part of a good sized and pragmatic crowd. Great pies too Ian. This feeling was also on display at Redditch Boat House too, one of the last get-togethers of the civic chain gang supporting Touchstone Charity at a Masterchef buffet.

But there’s fresh things to brighten us too. I welcomed new City Council staff this week with a visit to the Mayor’s Parlour for coffee and a chat about our history and outlook for the city.

The falcon is soaring in the High Street, a sure sign of gulls nesting, and peregrines are hatching. A new season in Evesham Vale too, where we dined on asparagus and celebrated Henry V’s famous charge for St. George!

St George was the focus at the Scouts’ Parade and Service on Shakespeare’s birthday with the Cathedral packed with 1500 members, their leaders and families, all sustaining Baden-Powell’s dictum to do our best. Took me back some years. Especially with a Sea Scouts drum band. And we had a real dragon played by a guy called George. Even a cursory examination of that legend and the heritage of some of our most famous artists, politicians and monarchs reveals the true diversity behind the red and white crusaders’ flag.

My last fund-raising event came in the shape of a few bottles at a wine tasting evening. Wines from Greece, France and both ends of the New World. A lovely relaxed and enjoyable way to further support Severn Arts and OnSide Advocacy.

Coming up next week… an election and a coronation.