My visits last week included ASPIE, a social, support and therapy group for adults with Asperger’s. Asperger’s syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviours, and clumsiness. But on the positive side people with Asperger’s are often very intelligent, exhibit high integrity and work well with detail.

ASPIE is different from most groups for people on the spectrum in that they were founded by an Asperger adult and everyone at ASPIE either has the condition and /or the lived experience. Their centre in Worcester is a safe haven where Asperger adults can drop the mask they wear in the outside world and find acceptance, friendship and support to reduce isolation, anxiety, depression self-harm and suicidal tendencies and increase self-worth and confidence to achieve the social inclusion, education and employment opportunities they long for.

Julia Micklewright gave me an insight into the difficulties people on the spectrum encounter because of their different wiring and the need for the laid-back environment which allows members at their own pace, to join in board games, discussions, art, plus computer/internet access for strategic games etc. They have a music room with a couple of keyboards and guitars.  Poker is popular and so are their quiz nights. Their football team, ASPIE Avengers have won many trophies and accolades.

After a tour of the centre, I was able to mix and mingle with many members and joined in a game of Cards for Humanity. After that I met one of the ASPIE counsellors, Justine, art therapist, and members of the art group, preparing pumpkins for their Halloween party next week. I was made to feel very welcome. Thank you Julia for everything you do.

ASPIE is a very friendly and nonjudgmental group. Any adult on the spectrum feeling alone and misunderstood is welcome to visit. You can see more about them on



MAYOR’S WEEK: 22 – 28 OCTOBER 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 22 – 28 OCTOBER 2023

On Saturday, I was delighted to attend an event celebrating the lives of Black residents in Worcester as part of Black History Month. Held in the Guildhall, ‘Our Cultural Heritage’ was an exciting and vibrant event organised by local community groups including the Worcester Anti Racism Initiative, Worcester Afro Caribbean Association and the Association of Igbo’s in Worcestershire.

The lower hall incorporated an exhibition celebrating early residents and contributions made to life in the city, including sports people, NHS staff, people in business and local volunteers.  Upstairs, the Assembly Room, was brought to life with music, art, poetry and a fantastic spread of food, but most importantly a buzz of conversation.

It was a particular highlight for me to be able to open the Mayor’s Parlour and provide a short tour around the Guildhall, to local people of all ages and from across Worcester’s diverse communities.

While the Worcester Anti Racism Initiative has run a successful programme as part of Black History Month for the last few years, it is the first year that the Guildhall has hosted this event, and the organising team hopes to build on the successes of the last few years.

The team is keen to hear from anyone who would like to support this event going forward, to be part of the conversations and to share their experiences and memories of living in Worcester. If you would like to get in touch, the Communities team can be contacted at


MAYOR’S WEEK: 15 – 21 OCTOBER 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK: 15 – 21 OCTOBER 2023

Many people over 55 are struggling with technology, be the device a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop. If you feel you are in that category, you are not alone. The latest figures show that 35% of adults aged 50-70 and 70% of the over-70s do not use the internet. With so many everyday tasks increasingly only accessible online it is easy to see that this ‘exclusion’ can often add to older people’s feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Age UK have made it their mission to support as many over-55s as possible to overcome their fear of the internet and enjoy the benefits of being online. These can include sending and receiving emails, filling in online forms, sharing photos and videos, watching favourite films and TV programmes, and doing online shopping and banking.

Age UK’s service is offered for free and they are even able to loan any necessary hardware for free during the support period. Age UK have 12 local volunteer tutors (usually people who work/have worked with technology) currently supporting individuals with face-to-face sessions in their Worcester and Malvern offices, and they also provide doing home visits where mobility is an issue.

Experience has shown that most clients do not want to learn the ins and outs of a particular program such as Word or Excel but are much more likely to want to solve problems like connecting with the internet, setting up their device to suit their needs or finding out how to utilise the benefits from this or that online application.

This part of Age UK Worcester and Malvern Hills’s work is growing in importance and once of the reasons why I am working to raise funds for them this year. Please support my appeal by making a donation if you can.

MAYOR’S WEEK:  8 – 14 OCTOBER 2023

MAYOR’S WEEK:  8 – 14 OCTOBER 2023

On Friday I had the pleasure of joining the biographer and author Judy Lomax in unveiling a blue plaque for Sheila Scott.

Sheila was the first British pilot to fly solo around the world in a light aircraft. The journey took over 34 days and required many stops including a flight over the Pacific Ocean requiring expert navigation to land on a tiny atoll for refuelling. Some of the legs required being in the air for 17 hours – it was certainly an endurance test.

She was born in Worcester in 1922 and died in 1988. Sheila’s father was a city councillor and alderman. Sheila used to help serve at the family bakery and dairy shops WH Hopkins and Co. Anyone remember these shops at 28 Broad Street and 3 College Street?

Intriguingly Sheila’s first flight was over Worcester in 1929 when she was about seven years old. How did that happen? Enter Sir Alan Cobham.

Alan Cobham was an interesting chap – in 1929 he started his ambitious Municipal Aerodrome Campaign where he toured Britain encouraging town councils to build local airports in the hope of drumming up business for his activities as an aviation consultant.

Each event would start with free flights for local dignitaries followed by free flights for local schoolchildren.

The day would finish with as many paid-for pleasure flights as could be managed for the public, the income from which would pay his expenses and make him a profit.

We are not sure where the free flights happened – but this was in the early days of aviation – maybe it was on a field at Perdiswell?

Sir Alan Cobham was a key figure in aviation, became a sponsor of Sheila and was instrumental in securing Worcester’s airport (at Perdiswell) in the late 1930s.

Find out more: Sheila Scott Biography by Judy Lomax