Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 October 2021

Mayor’s Week: 8 – 14 October 2021

On Friday 8 October I had my first Royal engagement when the Mayoress and I went to St. Barnabas School and was presented to HRH The Princess Royal (Princess Anne). As part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Jubilee tree planting campaign, a tree was planted in the school grounds. Along with the excited school children who lined the playing field, I was joined by the Chairman of the County Council Steve McKay, the High Sheriff Richard Amphlett and other guests.

We also saw the Princess Royal later, at the Unlocking the Severn Project at Diglis. This included my first visit to the new fish pass viewing gallery, which is now open to visits. During our time by the glass viewing window, we spotted just one salmon. I was assured you would see more fish if you visited the viewing gallery at other times!

On Sunday my Civic Service was held in the Cathedral; one of the highlights of the mayoral year. This was originally going to take place in July, but with relaxed covid restrictions now in place, it meant the service could be held with a larger congregation and the singing of hymns. The title of the service “Coming Back Together” reflected my mayoral theme, with the sermon from the Dean and the Bishop in attendance, who gave the blessing.

After the service I hosted guests in the Guildhall. I also met two family cousins for the first time, who live in Malvern and are descendants from my Great Uncle, who was Chief Constable with the Worcester City Police for many years.

Finally on Thursday I went to Hartlebury to witness the auction of the elephants that decorated our city over the summer and brought so much pleasure after miserable periods of lockdown. By the time you read this, we will know how much has been raised for St. Richard’s Hospice.


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