Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 May 2017

Mayor’s Week: 5 – 11 May 2017

My mayoral year ends on Tuesday 16 May, when I will hand the chain over to a new mayor at the annual City Council Meeting, so this is my last weekly diary.

I began last May by announcing my theme “No Community Left Behind”.  I have invited homeless, disabled, and other special people for tea in the Parlour, and for tours of The Guildhall.

I cancelled the traditional mayor’s inaugural banquet, which offered free slap-up meals and drinks to guests who could afford to pay.  Instead, I invited homeless and disadvantaged users of Maggs Day Centre, St Paul’s Hostel, YMCA and CCP (a charity supporting the homeless in Worcester) to a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings, in our magnificent Assembly Room in The Guildhall.

In October half-term school holiday, I arranged for the first ever Family Fun Day in The Guildhall.  Excited children brought their mums and dads and lots of free activities kept them busy for hours.

I also wanted to raise money for Midlands Air Ambulance and to send children from low-income families on adventure holidays at youth hostels. YHA Breaks for Kids and Action for Children will make this happen, using some of this money.

This has also been a year helping others to celebrate. Apprentices, scouts and guides, cadets, school students, Rotarians, Lions, college and university graduates have all celebrated their achievements.

We have experienced fantastic music, drama, dance and poetry at the Swan Theatre, Cathedral and Racecourse, and thanked hundreds of volunteers who work hard to keep many worthwhile activities alive.

Many other volunteers helped me during the year to make my events a success and raise money for my chosen charities. I want to thank them all for making this an unforgettable year for Lynn, Lucinda and me.

Our good wishes go to the incoming mayor and mayoress – we hope they have a really successful year.




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