Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 June 2015

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 June 2015

Has Worcester got talent?  Well from what I’ve seen in recent weeks, we certainly have!  Saturday saw the Showcase Performance of The Harlequin Stage School; some 80 dancers enchanted an enthusiastic audience at the Tudor Grange Academy ahead of their visit to Rumania for the World Championships.  It was a delight to watch Team Worcester perform all their routines step perfect, how they all remember what to do next is beyond me – and it was perfectly executed across all age groups.  I wish them well in the forthcoming Dance World Cup, they deserve every success!


Talent is apparent across many activities here in Worcester, this was also demonstrated by the work exhibited in the Digital Photography Exhibition held in the Commandery.  Brian Bullock introduced me to the exhibitors who, following course work at the Shrub Hill Workshop centre which provides help, support and skill development for those recovering from mental health issues, ( displayed their work very well and showed some beautifully captured shots and images.

Also on the note of mental health, the launch of “Engage Life” took place on Monday 8th June, a charitable organisation that seeks to, “Empower adults with mental health issues, by providing a variety of activities that enable them to realise their full potential.”  Whilst talking to their Chief Officer, Penny in their offices at 19 Britannia Road, I was astonished to learn that, for the year ending 2015, in South Worcestershire alone there were estimated to be over 25,000 people with mental health disorders.  I wish Penny and her Team every success in their efforts to support those in need.

Worcester District Scout Council held its AGM this week and reported another great year of achievement with numbers growing still further. A real success story!  There are over 1,000 youngsters involved across a wide range of interesting and educational activities – not least being that of Leadership and life skills.  Four Chief Scouts were presented with long service awards, two for 15 years and two for 25 years. Apart from all the other good news I am delighted that my granddaughter Rachel will be going to Japan in June as a member of the Team representing Worcester and Herefordshire at the International Scouting Jamboree – and her brother, Tom, will be going to Iceland around the same time, as a young leader with Worcester District Scouts.

Friday saw the opening of the Three Counties Show, always a great event and one well worthwhile visiting. The first Show took place in Broad Street Hereford in 1797, since then the 3 Counties have come together to stage an Agricultural Show on 218 occasions.   “The Show” was granted Royal Title in 2013 and The Princess Royal became Patron of ‘The Show’ in 2014

Make the effort, don’t miss it!!

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