Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 October 2019

Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 October 2019

All weeks sparkle, but some positively dazzle – and this was one of those weeks, with four celebrations where I walked in procession with fellow mayors of nearby towns.  At times there was so much gold on display that sunglasses would have been a welcome accessory: of which, more later!

Sunglasses were not required for Age UK’s Reconnections Outdoor Lounge last Friday; a street market held to raise awareness of the terrific work undertaken locally by the organisation previously known as Age Concern.  Such a shame about the weather, though.  Later in the day, I made another visit to the dazzling Stanbrook Abbey for the Worcestershire Association of Carers’ AGM and Conference.

And talking of dazzling locations….  such is Perdiswell Pool where I watched, amazed and lost for words, Worcester Swimming’s Club Autumn Open Meet on Saturday, involving 400 swimmers and at least as many spectators from 32 local swimming clubs.  From what I saw, my confident prediction is that it won’t be long before Worcestershire has representation in the Olympic swimming contingent, for sure.

The season of mayoral civic services continues: at Redditch on Sunday, followed by a cross-county dash to Tenbury, both events confirming my belief that this is still the age of the chain!  More gold on display in the Cathedral in the evening for the Farmers’ Harvest Festival, crops and produce demonstrating that when it comes to colour, Nature wins every time!

The Mayor’s badge and chain continued to draw admiring glances at Ledbury’s October Fair on Monday – as it did on Wednesday when I was utterly wowed by the work of children at Fort Royal School.  They have embarked on a ‘Time to be Seen’ project, recording images of Worcester for posterity – but with a difference.  In 3D!  Stunning.

But back to dazzling… how can I pen a weekly diary without remarking on this week’s awesome achievement in raising the required £500,000 for little Oscar Saxelby-Lee’s treatment.  Fingers crossed that much of the same spirit will be shown through my appeal for victims of the devastating earthquake in Kashmir…




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