Mayor’s Week: 3 – 10 February 2012
A week when we developed our skills as tour guides, with several visits to the Parlour and Guildhall. It is pleasing that so many people want to see one of Worcester’s “gems,” and I hope plans can be developed to give access and usage to a wider cross section of the public.
On Monday we showed a party of French students from Montpelier around the Guildhall; they are currently staying with pupils at Worcester’s V1 Form College.
Afterwards we met members of the Worcestershire flower arranging society to plan arrangements for our next fundraiser, the Charity Banquet on Friday 8 March.
We welcomed visitors from Canada who are visiting Europe, and also a leading local business on Wednesday. They enjoyed the visit; particularly trying on the mayoral robes and Chain!
As part of the City Council’s ” Heart City” programme with The British Heart Foundation, Jill and I undertook Health MOTs at The Guildhall on Thursday. These checks were offered to all our employees and councillors. It is particularly important to take advantage of these opportunities, and like many others I need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, watch my waistline and undertake more exercise. It was an opportunity to take stock, and confirm my participation in the local U3A Walking Group!

In the evening we attended the Big Build Event at The Worcester Snoeszelen in St Johns, where we were shown around by two well informed service users. We were asked to cut the ribbon to the White Room which has been refurbished, and take part in the launch of their appeal for £300,000 towards the new Arts Centre. This facility is every bit as essential as the city Sports and Leisure centres and I hope it will receive the support it deserves from Worcester citizens.
On Friday I kept my resolution, joining the U3A Walking Group at Broadheath in the morning!
In the evening, Jill and I attended our fundraiser, the annual concert by Worcester Concert Brass, at the Guildhall. It was an excellent concert with an extremely varied programme. Thanks to conductor Chris Licence, the soloists and all the Concert Brass Players who made it such an enjoyable evening.
On Saturday I supported a Consultation Day at The Guildhall, which sought views on proposals to commemorate the centenary of The First World War in 2014. It was a well supported event, with a most interesting selection of exhibitions which I hope will promote some strong support for our future proposals.