Mayor’s Week: 28 January – 3 February 2013
The week began with a hectic Monday. First I met with the City Council’s Managing Director and Leader, and then it was off to the Rotary Club, to make further arrangements for the Charity Banquet on 8th March. Tickets are still available!
Later, Jill and I attended the formal opening by the Bishop of Worcester of the Maggs Activity Centre, at St Alban’s Annexe. It provides skills training to help people manage their lives better, including budget management training, computer skills, cookery, help with form-filling and arts and craft activities. It is really interesting to see this development; congratulations to all the staff and service users involved.
On Tuesday I welcomed new staff to the Guildhall and the Mayor’s Parlour, as part of their induction. During the evening I attend a budget setting meeting of the Council. It is becoming increasingly difficult to save money whilst still trying to protect services.
The following day I attended a meeting of The Consolidated Charity; then in the evening a Scrutiny Committee, which focussed on preventive health strategies. There is clear evidence of the need to tackle social disadvantage and adopt healthier lifestyles.
We met with a local person who is trying to improve services for people with profound physical and learning disabilities on Thursday. Then we attended the launch of official T- shirts to celebrate Red Nose Day, at TK Maxx in the High Street. This is an important fundraiser and deserves support. Interestingly, we also met Pippa Langhorne and her dog, Buddy- she was almost upstaged by her furry friend!
On Friday we attended the West Midlands regional launch of Energy Club, at The River School. It is designed to promote a new generation of active kids, by promoting physical activity both before and after school. After watching an interesting demonstration, we presented certificates to staff from Gorse Hill Primary and The River School, who had undertaken the necessary training. The children were obviously enjoying the new approach.
This was most interesting, and made an excellent link with Council activities earlier in the week on preventive health strategies, where we discussed the obesity crisis and the need for more active lifestyles.