The Mayor and members of Worcester's Ukrainian community at the Guildhall to mark the first anniversary of the Russian invasion
The Mayor and members of Worcester’s Ukrainian community at the Guildhall to mark the first anniversary of the Russian invasion

The marking of the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine was a sombre reminder that we live in a dangerous world. A large number of displaced people with uncertain futures gathered with us at the Guildhall in respect and defiance, many of whom I had the pleasure of meeting last summer. But it is a shame that they still have to be here.

The Military Service Cadets’ awards evening passed off with  precision mid-week, but I feared a little for the boots on the floor of the Guildhall Assembly Room. Congratulations not only to the cadets but also to their instructors and units.

The range of musical and cultural endeavour was on show too, with the Ukelele Band putting up with me strumming again, this time in support of Acorns, and then the launch of Sound and Art at St Swithun’s Church, the newly-restored building now an arts venue, supported by the Churches Conservation Trust.

I had seen behind the scaffolding while the work was going on and the restoration is wonderful, bringing back into life a close link with the Mayors of the 1700s who have a chair and sword rest below the pulpit.

My main visitors to the Mayor’s Parlour were two young people from New College Worcester who enjoyed the detail of the mayor’s chain, sword, maces and robes. It was a privilege to show off our heritage, with no barriers to access.

And talking of heritage, Rotary celebrated 100 years since Sir Arthur Carlton – my predecessor and famous for having the only mayoress to be shot out of a cannon and naming a tank after his daughter, Cynthia – established a club in Worcester.

Finally, I caught up with Steve Cram and Paula Radcliffe promoting this year’s Worcester Runs amongst the business community. I joined after their jog for a pastry and coffee, but the running shoes are still on ice.

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