This week I had the opportunity to fully embrace Bulgarian culture at a charity event raising money for Kids Care Charity.

It was a delight to meet the local Bulgarian community and the money they raised will be used to help children in Bulgaria, with wood for heating and medicines.

I wore a traditional Bulgarian dress and arrived just in time to hear the host’s son play the violin, followed by a rendition of the Bulgarian anthem for which we all stood and observed.

There was lots of music and dancing that followed and I judged the colouring competition, no easy feat!

On Monday I presented a medal for the very first time, to a Nuclear Teat Veteran.

It was a real honour to present Maurice Hume with the Nuclear Test Medal, which commemorates personnel who participated in Britain’s nuclear testing programme in the 1950s and 1960s.

A real gentleman, Maurice arranged for Rev Lindsey Coulthard, family and friends to be at the Mayor’s Parlour for the presentation.

Stationed at Christmas Island, Maurice was one of more than 20,000 military personnel and there are estimated that just 1,500 of them are still alive.

On Thursday I was at the official opening of the Victorian Fayre and after the sadness of there not being a Christmas light switch-on this year, it was extra special.

There was a carol service first at the Cathedral, which continued to the opening ceremony in the Cornmarket.

There was a full house in the Cathedral and the Dean, Dr Stephen Edwards, led the service and the Voluntary Choir were beautiful to listen to.

During the opening speeches at the Cornmarket there was a small spattering of rain.

A timely reminder from mother nature of what a difference she can make, even when all the technology and weather forecasts predict otherwise.

Thank you to each and everyone who came along and seasonal wishes to all.

Mayor of Worcester, Mel Allcott, presenting Maurice Hume with the Nuclear Test Medal
Mayor of Worcester, Mel Allcott, presenting Maurice Hume with the Nuclear Test Medal

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