Mayor’s Week: 23 – 29 August 2019

Mayor’s Week: 23 – 29 August 2019

Alongside the glitz and ceremony of being Worcester’s 792nd mayor, I’m still a ward councillor and a troublesome issue for residents of Warmstry Court in Quay Street accounted for some well-spent time mid-week – hopefully with a good result!

And talking of results… to notch-up 150 years of priceless service to the community and still have a particular relevance in the 21st century is a brilliant achievement.  This remarkable milestone was reached by the YMCA in Worcester, whose celebrations I was delighted to be a part of on Thursday.

Acknowledging – and where possible, rewarding – local talent is never less than a welcome duty.  The trouble is, with so much of it around, where to start?  This dilemma was brought home to me in dramatic terms during the first ever all-action Arts and Performance weekend in The Courtyard of Worcester Royal Porcelain. All credit to organisers Chris Oxlade-Arnott and Rebecca Farrow. I’ve now added thoughts for a permanent arts talent showcase to my wish-list of things to follow up on in the future.

Sunday was a very special day: the Eid celebrations, marking the end of Ramadhan, the fasting season.  Families from across the city had catered for some 1500 Asian and non-Asian guests at an event I hosted – and the response did not disappoint.  Sadly, some tragic events have overtaken us all of late: the son of a much-loved family with Worcester connections was killed in an accident just the night before – and to their credit, many had felt it their duty to journey north to pay their respects.

A minute’s silence was thus duly observed for the grieving family, as well as for two more noted personalities whose days have recently come to an end: King’s School headmaster Matthew Armstrong, aged 48, and one of the nicest men I ever met, ever-smiling Guildhall attendant Len Carless at the age of 93.

This week I also had a fruitful meeting with Rukia Hussain, Manager of the local Asda, regarding more charitable fund-raising activities.  It has been a week of mixed emotions, to say the least.


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