Mayor’s Week: 21 – 28 April 2013
Last Sunday was dominated by St George’s Day events; first a Cathedral service, and then the annual march past the Guildhall where we took the salute. Congratulations to the Second Worcesters who took overall responsibility for the day, and the many parents and children who took part in the well-supported event.
Later we showed representatives around the Guildhall including the Assembly Room and Cells, which provided a source of real interest.
On Monday we were asked to open the recently refurbished Warmstry Court – I well remember it being built on the site of the former “City Rag Stores”! It was great to see the improved accommodation which has been created by Thomas Vale Construction.
Tuesday saw my final meeting as Chair of the World War 1 commemoration committee, where we approved a new structure to produce a more streamlined organisation.
Later we supported the Mayor of Evesham’s St George’s Day event, held at the refurbished Regal Cinema in Evesham. It is a beautiful example of Art Deco, and hosted a most enjoyable evening, courtesy of Councillor Robert Raphael.
Wednesday saw us attending the Civic Society’s annual Mayor’s lecture, “From Austerity to Prosperity”, which was given By Professor David Green, Vice Chancellor of the University of Worcester. It was a bullish presentation, calling for re-investment in infrastructure as an alternative to continued stagnation!
On Friday we entertained another prize winner with coffee in the Parlour. Later we joined MP Robin Walker for the opening of Second Chance Furnishings – a subsidiary of St Paul’s Hostel for the Homeless. We met a number of volunteers and service users, who are fully engaged in this most interesting project.
During the evening we attended a civic Charity Dinner at Hagley Hall, for the Civic Head of Bromsgove’s charities.
I joined members of the Clothiers Society for a farm tour at Top Barn Farm on Saturday. I was impressed with the link between farm and countryside, and the many local voluntary bodies who are supported by this interesting diversification from farming.
During the afternoon we made a final trip to St George’s Lane, where I attended the last football match against Chester FC. It was an afternoon of mixed emotions, and it does seem sad that no suitable local ground-sharing facility could have been arranged!
During the evening Jill and I attended our penultimate fund- raiser, with the Great Witley Operatic Society and Friends presenting the concert version of “Pirates of Penzance”. It was sensational, the packed audience enjoying a superb evening. Our thanks to so many volunteers, friends and performers in particular, who gave up their Saturday for such an enjoyable evening’s performance. Thanks to Jane Dodd who was the leading soprano, Sue Black MD and Caroline Causier, who spent so much time organising the event over the past nine months.

One thought on “Mayor’s Week: 21 – 28 April 2013”
Personally I don’t think we do enough to celebrate St Georges Day in this country. My first visit to Worcester was during that weekend, loved the place, found it to be just a beautiful as I would have imagined however was also glad to get back to Leeds in Yorkshire.