Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 January 2013

Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 January 2013

It’s been a week of contrasts, where the weather has been a major concern. Finally it all turned out fine for Saturday at the Guildhall, where our Homeless Action Day took place.

Earlier in the week I enjoyed a night out at the Swan where we attended the annual Kay’s Pantomime, Dick Whittington. This was clearly enjoyed as much by the performers as by the audience. This is one of the Worcester traditions we always enjoy!   Congratulations to the performers and dancers; it was a truly enjoyable night out.  Afterwards we attended an informal buffet, where we met performers and sponsors.

On Friday evening we attended a St Richard’s Hospice Fundraiser at The Guildhall with a traditional Burns Supper – including haggis, a Piper and Ceilidh to finish, for those with sufficient energy for the early hours.  Duncan Gray and Sharon Chance gave excellent speeches.  I had to make a response “to toast o’ the toon”!  The evening was great fun, thanks to Alan Feeney and the many volunteers who worked so hard to make it a success.  It was also successful as a fundraiser!

Earlier, we had attended Deaf Direct’s open day at their new premises in Lowesmoor.  Thanks to Philip Gerrard CEO, who spent so much time with us and explained some of the problems the deaf are faced with. Hearing impairment in the county is a growing problem, particularly with an ageing populace!  Much greater awareness is required, and we are lucky to have such an excellent service in the city centre.

Saturday began with a welcome change of weather and the “Homeless not Helpless” Action Day went ahead without a hitch.  We had a full variety of stallholders and entertainment, thanks to members of the Worcester Music Festival.  Information was certainly available to all, as were refreshments and a welcome opportunity to  network!

I am sure those members of the public who attended left better informed and more aware of the resources available to meet this growing problem.  It was also an opportunity to meet those who have experienced homelessness.  I am particularly grateful to all the stallholders and to Councillor Chris Cawthorne, who spent hours in planning together with other representatives.  Thanks also go to John Taylor and our special guests, paralympian Mel Clarke and cricketer Ben Cox. Robin Walker MP kindly opened the event.


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