Mayor’s Week: 20 – 27 December 2014

Mayor’s Week: 20 – 27 December 2014

Although, sadly, the main part of Christmas is now over, I hope people will keep their decorations up until twelfth night, the January 6, because they brighten the place up and remind us of the Christian aspect of the holiday.

As I so love the anticipation of Christmas Day, perhaps I could indulge in some happy memories of the week beforehand. Having filled the bags at Lyppard Grange Community Centre for the Worcester Rotary Club’s Christmas Parcels Charity, we took the parcels round the next day to the residents of Rowan Court and listened to their plans for Christmas Day.

The carol services all so very different but all so enjoyable. There was the pre-school nativity play in St. Peter’s Village Hall where one little chap took off in song regardless of the script! The Worcester District Scouts Carol Service in the Cathedral has a reputation for being fun and this year’s was no exception; Bishop Perowne’s had clearly taken months of careful preparation and it paid off brilliantly with the pupils showing a remarkable degree of musical talent both in singing and playing – well done. The huge attendance at the Carol Service in the Atrium at Worcestershire Royal Hospital was rewarded with performances by both the Voices for Health and Sing 4 Breath choirs.

Then there was a delightful morning at St. John’s Library for the Cuppa and Chat group’s Christmas Special, where the churches and library work together to provide such a welcoming meeting place for our elderly citizens, during which I handed out presents to the St. Clements Primary School choir.

Finally, some “thank yous”. It was a pleasure to host a reception in The Parlour for City Council staff, and especially those much appreciated colleagues who came along who keep our streets clean and parks well tended. They are extremely important as the front line for how people judge our city. Also, to our postal workers whom I met during a visit to the Wainwright Road Sorting Office very early one morning to thank them for the excellent work they do in all weathers and during unsocial hours, most of whom had started work at 4.30 am on that day. Special thanks to my local postie, Jamie Colburn.


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