MAYOR’S WEEK: 19 – 25 JULY 2020

The gradual return to normality is underway and tourist destinations are once again open and ready to receive visitors, albeit in a reduced way. I welcome this step forward in the long slow recovery and wish our own attractions such as The Commandery and the Art Gallery and Museum good luck and hope their visitor numbers are recovering.
With this in mind, it was particularly enjoyable on Friday to celebrate the re-opening of the Museum of Royal Worcester. I had the opportunity to chat with staff and volunteers about the museum which is actually housed in the building that was my primary school. Several of my extended family worked at Royal Worcester in the manufacture and decoration of the world-famous china. We are so proud of our porcelain in Worcester and that it used to be made only yards from the Guildhall. I was delighted to be able to take part in a Favourite Object campaign in which I was able to speak about a favourite piece from the museum’s fabulous collection.
I attended a meeting of the trustees of Worcester Community Trust (WCT) this week and I am amazed that the trust has been able to reach so many people all over Worcester during the period of lockdown. It may have been the delivery of a care package to someone who was unable to get out of their home, or help for someone suffering domestic abuse, or contact with someone who was lonely and felt they had no-one to turn to, but for each case WCT was there to provide support and assistance. Thank you so much to all those kind and caring volunteers and staff at WCT and also to all Worcester people involved in other organisations who have gone out of their way to make the life of others comfortable and bearable. Thank you so much for all you have done.
As we emerge from this period of our lives, we at the Guildhall are positive about the future and already thinking about and planning for the months ahead. I hope you are too, but please remember that the virus is still with us and just as deadly and wear your mask whenever you are in a shop or enclosed space to protect others.