Mayor’s Week: 18 – 25 September 2014

Mayor’s Week: 18 – 25 September 2014

This week’s events had a strong sporting theme which, given my level of fitness and shape, is very flattering and even reassuring.

It was encouraging to see so much young sporting talent on display at the City Sports Awards 2014.

It was a real honour to have opened the Special Olympics West Midlands 7-a side Football Tournament at the University Campus on Saturday. Welcoming the various teams in the rain certainly did not dampen my or anyone else’s ardour or the sense of anticipation and excitement. You could see the look of pride on the players’ faces. What a great bunch of kids. And let’s not forget the coaches and others involved in organising such a huge event. I did make the point that sport is as much for enjoying as for winning!

Given the national interest in the Worcester 10K run, I was over the moon to have started the races with the claxon early on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning and then present the awards. Worcester has arrived. It was chosen to be the first City to host such an event and we did it superbly well. Everyone there was a winner, no doubt about it.

Award Ceremony - Rueben Chumba

On arriving at the Swan Theatre for a massively successful performance of the Annual Variety Show on Friday, I was forthrightly advised by a lady that the evening would be “a bloody good laugh.” That is exactly what is needed after a long day and, indeed, that is exactly what I got. What a fantastic way to end a day – who needs therapy?

When I opened the 60th Anniversary event for the Worcester & District Model Engineers Club in Diglis on Saturday, I could have spent the rest of the afternoon there.  It is incredible that the volunteers make all the engines themselves which can carry up to 15 people around the track. It was so much fun, I managed to hitch a second ride. It was an idyllic traditional English event, with a view of the Cathedral across the field and being offered tea made in the old fashioned way, and biscuits. Worcester – get along to the Model Engineers’ next event for a truly memorable trip out.


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