Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 November 2017

Mayor’s Week: 18 – 24 November 2017

The week started a little differently with the opening of the new Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant and Drive Through at Nunnery Way in Worcester – yet another new business offering employment to local people.  In the afternoon I visited a number of retail businesses in The Tything to see how they operate.  The consensus was that they get lots of business by providing great customer care – and that word of mouth rather than advertising attracts custom.


Wednesday evening was spent at the Cathedral, where I saw numerous students from Tudor Grange Academy receive awards for their achievements over the year.  It was obvious that they had really committed to their studies to obtain the recognition that they deserved.  The speaker for the evening, Police Superintendent Kevin Purcell, recognised how changing times would be the challenge for this next generation.


Alison and I returned to the Cathedral on Saturday for a performance of War Poetry set to music (For an Unknown Solder by Jonathan Dove).  This was a very moving listening experience with the opportunity, to once again consider the plight of young service personnel enduring the tragedies that war brought to their lives.  This was followed by a Requiem composed by a Maurice Durufle.


On Sunday we attended a further service of Remembrance, this time at the Astwood Cemetery where I and members of the Royal British Legion placed crosses on the graves of soldiers who lost their lives in the Second World War, including Prisoners of War.

Wednesday this week saw us yet again at the Cathedral to attend a performance by the Innsworth Military Wives Choir.  They may be an amateur group but their singing was superb.  There are 75 such groups worldwide, all committed to supporting each other as family members of service personnel.  The event also included the singing of a fantastic soprano, Rhiannon Llewellyn.  She selected some beautiful pieces to perform and was extremely well received by the audience.

And on Thursday afternoon, the High Street came to a standstill when hundreds of you came out to watch the turning on of the Christmas Lights.   Alison, myself and Pudsey Bear (the Mayor and the Bear!) the Carnival Queen and Princess, together with the Worcester Male Voice Choir, all managed to get on the stage to set the Christmas scene and help brighten up the precinct.

Then it was a quick dash up to Sixways where the Sports Awards for Herefordshire and Worcestershire were held.  Not only were sporting achievements, recognised but also the volunteers who make these events possible.  The Sports Personality of the Year award was won by Hereford FC – well done to them!

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