Mayor’s Week: 16 – 22 June 2017
This extremely hot week brought with it new experiences for me. On Sunday I was joined by many others at the Cathedral for my Civic Service. It was a great day with theRev. Michael Brierley delivering the perfect sermon to exemplify my theme of ‘Valuing Volunteers’. A lot of people worked very hard to make it the successful day it was, for all concerned.
More recently I was in another place of worship – the Tallow Hill Mosque, where I joined worshippers at ‘Iftar’, a ceremony to break the fast for the day. This was a delightful occasion with a number of people from different communities and religions coming together to enjoy a meal. A number of speeches were made, all of which related to the spirit of unity needed to overcome the intolerance and hatred demonstrated by a few.

Pic Jonathan Barry 21.6.17
Last Monday, on Armed Forces day, representatives of the Council joined with me and Army Reservists, Sea Cadets and the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association to pay tribute to those servicemen who are in the front line, who act as peacekeepers and who provide remarkable assistance at times of humanitarian crises.
The Samaritans also held their AGM this week. Here the committee and guests heard not only of the skills of those who receive calls from very desperate people, but also of volunteer inmates of prisons who carry out a similar but face to face role. Once again, it’s right to point out that these are all volunteers.
I also had the opportunity of a sneak preview of WODY’s West End Musical production of Whistle Down the Wind, when I went to one of their rehearsals. This was musical theatre at its best, with excellent singers. I can only suggest that if you like musicals, then get a ticket as soon as possible. The show will be staged at the Swan Theatre between 1st and 5th August; you won’t be disappointed!