Mayor’s Week: 13 – 19 January 2017
After a hectic December and a few days’ rest and relaxation, the new year so far has been relatively calm.
This provides time to plan future activities which will raise money for my chosen charities. These charities are very worthwhile, and support the people of Worcester.
The Midlands Air Ambulance provides rapid medical care and transport to hospital, sometimes in places which a conventional ambulance cannot reach. Not everyone seems to realise that this service is not funded by our NHS and simply could not exist without millions of pounds raised by charity.
The Youth Hostel Association provides low-cost accommodation in some of the most beautiful places in England and Wales. I spent much of my youth walking from one YHA building to another in our national parks and cities. I stayed in castles, former monasteries, a shepherd’s hut on a mountain pass and other interesting places. Later, I became a voluntary leader for their activity holidays.
Many young people in Worcester would benefit from participating in YHA Breaks for Kids, which is subsidised by the YHA charity fund of the same name. I want to make a donation so that more of our local children can go.
Action for Children is a UK charity which, among many activities which support children and families, runs some of our city children’s centres. I intend to give them funding so they can pay the travel costs for kids from needy families to get to the YHA Breaks for Kids.
We are planning a charity auction on 24th February, a dinner and casino night on 1st April, both at the Guildhall, and other charity events which I hope many local people will support to help these charities support people in need in Worcester.