Mayor’s Week: 12 – 18 July 2020

Mayor’s Week: 12 – 18 July 2020

It’s business as usual at Worcester City Council.  On Tuesday evening I chaired a full Council zoom meeting attended by all 35 councillors, senior officers, two judges and a member of the public.  Council agreed to make His Honour Judge Burbidge the Honorary Recorder for Worcester after the retirement of the present incumbent, His Honour Judge Jukes.  We debated four motions which councillors brought to the meeting and approved five reports from committees.  It was a productive evening’s work and shows that in spite of the difficulties we are all experiencing, we can still carry on our business as usual.

I was very pleased to video the opening speech for the “Worcester Festival 2020 – Virtually the Same” which will take place in August.  Chris Jaeger presented me with a festival peacock (rather smaller than the one we have become accustomed to seeing around town at festival time).  Chris has some super ideas for events on line as well as a limited number of live events so please join in on the festival website ( and enjoy competitions, workshops and fun activities.

On Friday morning I joined Mr. Tofiq Malik at the Elgar Retail Park to open the Wren Kitchen showrooms.  I was very pleased to be able to cut the ribbon to open the showrooms and celebrate with the owner this new opportunity for jobs and a boost to the economy.  It is a very positive step in the recovery from our present economic difficulties.  I then came into town and Dave and I joined our friend Robin at a birthday barbecue taking place at his block of flats.  Thank you for inviting us, Robin.

I hope everyone is preparing for the new rule of wearing a mask when in shops or supermarkets which will be introduced on Friday 24th July.  I knew the masks I made myself in the early days of lockdown would prove useful.

State schools broke up for the summer holidays yesterday – so now our schoolchildren are officially on holiday.  Most have worked really hard during the three or four months of lockdown to keep up with their education. Good luck to all of you in your future studies.

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