Mayor’s Week: 11 – 16 February 2017

Mayor’s Week: 11 – 16 February 2017

Forty high school students from our German twin town Kleve descended on The Guildhall on Thursday. I always enjoy showing off our grade 1 listed building and describing a little of its history. The German flag was flown in their honour. It is good to keep these links alive, especially during the uncertainty following last year’s referendum. German teachers told me they were sad that the UK was to leave the EU.

On Monday, auctioneer David Stuart-Smith from Andrew Grant visited to discuss my Charity Auction. This is shaping up to be an exciting and fun evening in The Guildhall on Friday 24th February. Following food, drink and music by six sassy ladies known as Sass Capella, over twenty lots will be auctioned. If you’re after a bargain day of rugby or cricket, a family short break, a year’s family entry to Slimbridge, a slap-up restaurant meal or a unique original painting or sculpture, this is the event for you! Tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre at Guildhall, or online from EventBrite.

I launched the Love Worcester Heritage Festival on Tuesday. This runs from 18th to 26th February and offers free and fascinating half-term activities for the whole family. This festival promises to be the best ever and you can find more at

On Wednesday, twenty wonderful members of Deaf Direct took my Guildhall Tour. A sign language interpreter ensured that they could both understand my words and ask questions. We also visited the Tolly Community Centre in my Rainbow Hill ward to watch young magicians show off their skills. Fifteen children had been taught to perform magic on a three-week course run by Miraculous Magic. I learned that this had greatly increased their confidence, whilst having a lot of fun. I love supporting ideas which enrich the lives of children from disadvantaged areas. No community should be left behind!

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