Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 December 2016

Mayor’s Week: 1 – 7 December 2016

Christmas must be soon, because this week we have watched three nativity plays! The first was at Kings St Albans School in Diglis, where we were enchanted by over 30 small children performing in Prickly Hay.

Later we experienced the 16th Worcester Scouts’ version of the Christmas story in the Cathedral.  They had produced a sequence of scenes from the nativity using Lego, and photos of them were displayed on a large screen. Never before have I seen a giraffe in the Bethlehem stable but this, and many other twists on the familiar tale, raised many a smile from the audience! This was part of the annual District Scouts Carol Service, which I highly recommend.

Our third was at RGS The Grange, where over 50 year one and two children performed.

Last Friday afternoon I switched on a large number of Christmas trees in the Cathedral cloisters, which look magical and deserve to be seen by everyone. The trees were decorated by many different local charities, schools and groups to raise money. This is an annual Christmas Tree Festival organised by Daisychain Benevolent Fund, which provides for children in hospital.


We were privileged to attend the launch of a superb book of poems called Can We Inspire You written by the Creative Group at St Paul’s Hostel. These very talented people prove beyond any doubt that, just because someone has been homeless does not mean they cannot, with support and encouragement, make positive contributions to society.

Yet more creative talent was on show at the Worcester Society of Artists exhibition, which I opened at the Museum and Art Gallery in Foregate Street. It was hard to decide which painting I liked most!

The magnificent Worcester Male Voice Choir sang their Christmas Concert in Pershore Abbey. As always, it was a real pleasure to hear them. Not long till Christmas!

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