Mayor’s Diary: 26 January – 1 February 2016

Mayor’s Diary: 26 January – 1 February 2016

The week started with a delightful visit from French Students to the Guildhall. Their English was superb and certainly put me to shame, as my schoolboy French is rubbish!  They found the history of Worcester fascinating and they loved the Guildhall, it seemed that Worcester had gone down very well with them.

First Bus met with us in Cripplegate Park to plant some of the trees they have offered to fund over the next year or so. On this occasion we planted an oak tree and two ornamental varieties in Cripplegate Park:  the Foxglove tree (Paulownia tomentosa) which has trumpet-shaped, violet-blue flowers and the Maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba)the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that dates back to beyond the time of the dinosaurs. I thank Nigel Eggleton, Managing Director of First Bus, for his company’s generous contribution enhancing our green spaces.


The Guildhall was the venue for a very special occasion, certainly something I will not see again! We were privileged to be present as the French Consul awarded two of our citizens with the “Ordre national de la Legion d’honneur”, the highest honour awarded by France. The two gentlemen, who received this award in recognition of their service in France during the Second World War, were present on the Normandy Landings.  They are Mr Michael Stone and Mr Eric Tipping; my congratulations to you both.


Holocaust Memorial Day, an event held in the Guildhall and led by students of Blessed Edward Oldcorne College, was the most moving experience. The students read poems and scripts, as well as re-enacting a scene where two ghostly figures of Auschwitz past told of their suffering to three modern day youngsters.  The whole delivery was presented with such feeling that several of those present were moved to tears.  Dr. David Tibbutt followed up with an equally and very disturbing description of the genocide that happened in Rwanda during 1994.  It was very good to experience the understanding, awareness and compassion demonstrated by these students.

Holocause Memorial Day

On a bright note I must mention the Kay’s Theatre Group product of Little Bo Peep, which was great. It was held at the Swan with a cast of thirty, plus twenty one Harlequin dancers; a festival of fun! This is Kay’s 62nd production – they have performed at the Swan since it opened and before that at the Co-op Hall. Kays Theatre Group originated in the days of Kays Catologue, when the original group – The Sports and Social Club – decided to put on a pantomime for staff and their families to enjoy. The present group continue this charity tradition to this day, and the audience support year after year enables Kays to provide funds to local charities.  This year they supported Mentor Link and Perdiswell Young Peoples Leisure Club, as well as providing bursaries to local young people to further their education in the performing arts.  You can find out more by going to-

A lovely evening out!!

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