Mayor’s Diary: 17 – 23 February 2018
Up until very recently the Mayor’s Parlour in the Guildhall contained two excellent oil paintings by Benjamin Williams Leader, a son of Worcester. However, I’ve had to give them over to our Art Gallery and Museum in Foregate Street, because they are exhibiting a number of his works. So it was a cultural start to the Mayoral week with a visit there to open the exhibition. Leader was a brilliant painter who at a young age met John Constable. In later life, Leader used his talent to send out political messages promoting peace during World War I.

On Sunday I attended The Commandery to view the 2,000 years of Living History event. Here re-enactors were playing the parts of traders and soldiers from across those centuries. From ancient Greeks to World War II service personnel, they dressed the part and took obvious pleasure in explaining to all visitors, young and old, what it meant to live, work and fight in those last 2000 years. The collections amassed by these enthusiasts were astonishing, as was their attention to detail.
On Monday I was up a bit earlier to be interviewed by Liam Cash at Youth.Com radio station. He was keen to promote my Skydive event and help me to get some more sponsorship. He was letting people know that if they did wish to support my chosen charities by donations, they can do so at the Virginmoneygiving/stevemackay web page.
The following day I met the President of the Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire British Red Cross, Debra Tritton. Ms Tritton was keen to promote the work of the Red Cross in helping hospitals, particularly at times of the winter crisis, in ensuring assessments are completed that allow patients to return to their own homes. Additionally, she reminded me that mobility aids can be borrowed from the society on a short term basis.
On Wednesday came the Annual General Meeting of the City’s Twinning Association at St Dunstan’s Bowling Club. As President of the Society for this year I took the chair while Liz Smith was re-elected to that position. The Association does much good work in promoting the friendship with our twin towns of Le Vesinet in France, Kleve in Germany, Worcester, Massachusetts USA and Ukmerge in Lithuania. Arrangements were made regarding visits by their representatives to Worcester.