Mayor’s Week: 31 December 2013 – 15 January 2014
Phil and I would like to thank everyone who has invited us to share their events and special occasions in recent months, and to wish the people of Worcester a happy New Year ahead in 2014.
One of the highlights of my Christmas was reading Woodbine Willie’s Poem, Christmas, at the Worcester News carol service in the cathedral. Thank you to all of you who gave so generously to the collection for the Mayor’s charities on that occasion.
“Meet me at the Friends’ Door at 11.13 p.m.” – the invitation sounded like something out of a spy film. Actually, Phil and I were being invited to ring in the New Year with the Cathedral bell ringers. It was an energising experience! The bell-ringing chamber high in the tower swayed and trembled as the bell ringers pulled on the ropes and counted the changes.
Aladdin at the Swan Theatre was a riot! Ben Humphrey had fun as Widow Twankey in totally outrageous costumes. Regulars included Fiona McGregor as a lively Genie of the Lamp; Liz Grand was suitably autocratic as the Empress of China; Gary Ellis made me feel tired just watching his high energy performance as Wishee Washee; and Graeme Brookes as Abanazer hugely enjoyed playing his first villain. Sergeant Ping Pong, alias Rob Leethem, chased around the auditorium, followed by a line of diminutive policemen from the DanceAcademy, and Aladdin himself was played with charm and humour by James Kenningdale.

Apparently, they are doing Beauty and the Beast next year and I will definitely be there.