Mayor’s Week: 21 – 27 October 2017
Last Saturday saw the High Street packed with people waiting to see the Mercian Regiment march from the Cathedral through the city streets. The applause they gave to the soldiers, whose turnout was exemplary, is testament to the high regard in which the regiment is held in Worcestershire.

The march was followed by a ceremony held at Dancox House, where a stone plaque was unveiled to commemorate the actions of Private Fred Dancox VC during the First World War. Pte Dancox was awarded the Victoria Cross for saving his colleagues by capturing a number of German soldiers who were firing on them. Sadly he was later he later died in combat, before receiving his medal.

On Sunday I attended the Royal Grammar School sports arena to hand out awards to those who had competed in the Droitwich Open Archery Tournament. There were some outstanding archers there, with one talented youngster breaking national records.
The following day I went to the studios of YouthComm’s music radio station where Mr Muff Murfin had invited me to promote the Mayor’s Family Fun Day. I took the opportunity of plugging the tandem skydive that I will be doing on March 7 next year. The Virgin Money Giving Page will be up and running shortly so I hope I do get a few sponsors for my charities!
On Wednesday, as well as entertaining Mr Reg Perkins and his family in the Guildhall for his community volunteering, the Mayoress and I went to Sixways in the evening, for the Worcestershire Group Training Annual Apprenticeship Awards. It proved to be a really successful evening, and it was inspiring to hear how apprentices had made the absolute most of the scheme run by the group and were settling into employment. Additionally, it could be seen how the companies themselves were being very supportive to the apprentices. The awards they picked up showed how all were really committed to the scheme.

We spent all of Thursday day in the Guildhall with children and their parents enjoying the Family Fun Day. A bouncy castle, face-painting, glitter-tattooing and cake decorating all played their part in making this a great day for youngsters. Add to that the tours of the Guildhall, kindly given by Councillors Andy Roberts and Pat Agar, gave everyone a chance to see what this fantastic building has to offer. A very enjoyable day.