Mayor’s Week: 16-20 May 2018

Firstly, I do believe that I’m in for a very busy but exciting year as Mayor of Worcester – and I thank my fellow councillors for placing me in this very privileged position. That said, both my wife Alison and I intend to do all that we can to represent and promote Worcester.
During the 43 years of our marriage, we have lived in various places in the South of England, moving to this lovely City in 2007. Our two daughters have given us four fabulous grandchildren, who we try to spend as much time as possible with. My background has been in the police service but now as I am about to retire, we will be able to commit completely to this new role.
I must say thank you to Cllr Paul Denham who having just completed his term as mayor, has given me some valuable advice. I do hope to live up to his and other former mayors’ achievements.
I thought long and hard about my ‘theme’ for the year. During my time as Deputy Mayor, I came to realise the great worth of volunteers to the City. They truly add so much to the lives of so many and with that in mind, I determined that ‘Valuing Volunteers’ would be the best way I could look to say thank you to them. I aim to promote the role of volunteers in Worcester, and encourage others to step forward and join them.
Working with charities is an obvious way for volunteers to assist and I have chosen three to support in my Mayoral year. They are:
Victim Support, which for no charge provides assistance to victims of crime. Helping those who have been targeted by criminals and being supportive at such a time is all-important.
Headway, a charity which supports those suffering from acquired brain injuries. Staff assist those experiencing such trauma, helping to renew their old skills as well as gaining new ones.
Onside Advocacy. This group ensure that those having either physical or mental ill-health issues will be well represented, and are not discriminated against.
I look forward to a challenging but fulfilling year as Mayor of Worcester.